I have always loved that movie. The big white dog that could fly was my undisputed favorite; I think it scared a lot of people but I was always a fan. I also liked David Bowie before I ever even knew he was a crazy musician (for whom I happen to love his music now) who stared in another favorite childhood movie of mine, Labyrinth. But anyway, that is besides the point...the point is...
I think I can officially say that it is UP, and it is OUT for the world to see; My portfolio that is. I have been working a lot lately after work on my new design portfolio. I have a problem with altogether re-designing my portfolio every time it comes to re-applying for internships. For those who read this and don't know. I go to the University of Cincinnati where the Cooperative Education Program is required for some majors, included in that is my major of Industrial Design and our program is a 5 year degree because of this. After our second year we start our "coop" rotation or internship rotation. Because UC is on a quarter system it makes this easier. We alternate quarters at school with quarters on internship across the US and around the world and we continue this for the next three years until we graduate. For instance, for the past two years every Fall and Spring quarter of the year I am at school and in classes, but every Summer and Winter quarter I am out of town at an internship in my field. It becomes simple math. 12 quarters, 6 in class and 6 at internships = moving 12 times in 3 years gets kinda crazy! But it has been an experience I wouldn't change for anything. I have lived in Boston for 6 months, and most recently Chicago for 6 Months, and without this program, that never would have happened. And I have to apologize to my professors, because despite how much they have taught me, there is no substitution for real world experience and just simply getting tossed into the mix and designing when it counts.
But anyway, that is off topic again...I guess I keep getting off topic because the topic is simple, it's my portfolio, so check it out!