Holy F! Where the Wild Things Are!!!! You have got to be kidding me! Probably the greatest book EVER is being made into a movie! I loved this book soooo much as a kid, probably so much that I won't want to go see it and ruin it! a guy on Kitsune Noir quoted it best. "I only read this book 1241551 bajillion times!" The trailer looks a bit creepy, and makes me probably not want to see it...but the poster is dope!
I must say, this poster made my day. The only other book that I can think of that could rival Where the Wild Things Are is Knots on a Counting Rope.

Childhood was amazing...
Sorry Sam, but nothing even touches "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"
I can respect that Jengelhardt, but I got my allegiances.
P.S. I just added Jengelhardt to my computer's dictionary, it didn't want to recognize it for some reason...
If you guys think either of those books come close to goodnight moon you've got another think coming.
motherfucking spike jonze is about to tear up all your childhood memories.
oh and shell silverstien 4 life.
im pumped for the everybody poops movie to come out....i heard its the shit!
haha god damn that was funny
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